Hospital Management System Django

Hospital Management System Django – In this project I explain how develop HMS that means hospital & doctor management system using python Django. These days most of college students are like to working ion python projects. Because IT companies also demand python and java developers. There is no grow in HTML, CSS, PHP type of programming languages.

hospital management system django

Tamil village students are mostly knowing only web designing language. But no scope in lot of software companies. So here my personal recommendation is switch to on python. In the beginning it was hard to learn. But after learning few days you can easily handle python and related projects. Once read Django Documentation for start the project, it may be helpful for some places.

Create Project

Okay let’s start the project of HMS using python. Already I told, you need basic knowledge in python or OOPS concept. Then only pickup this source code. Before starting this project, I have show the project output screenshots. Because I don’t like to waste other visitors time. If this project okay for you then scroll down to get the source code. Otherwise go to on other source to find a project.

Hospital Management Screenshots

Totally in this project has three modules. They are,

  • Admin
  • Doctor
  • Patient

In every module we have to perform certain actions. Further results are we analyze in coming explanations.

Hospital Management Function Modules

Let’s see about the functions like very modules are how working, how perform the operation. Already in previous article I explain this project in PHP language. That is Hospital Management System using PHP & MySQL very helpful for college students.

Admin Features

  1. Manually Set one Account for Admin
  2. Admin can view/approve/reject/ approval without asking doctor
  3. View the patient full details
  4. Handle the patient treatment overview like doctor.
  5. Finally view/reject appointment from the doctor & patient side. (Admin do anything in the hospital management)

Doctor Features

  1. View the patient details assigned to that doctor by admin
  2. Every patient has assigned by more doctors. So doctors are handle their patients only.
  3. Permission to handle the patient without asking admin.
  4. full responsibility assigned to the each and every doctor. But if any problems are raised, the doctor was facing the issues he/she was responsible.
  5. Delete the appointment if already filled or can’t able to attend the patient.

Patient Features

  1. Create & manage their account but hospital admin approval is need for access the permission. After approve the request only patient able login their account.
  2. Able to View doctor details like treatment time, address phone number etc.
  3. Check the appointment if pending or confirmed.
  4. Pay the hospital doctor fees amount through our portal.
  5. Invoices & medicine details are listed in your login area dashboard page.

How run this project

Some beginners also visit this type of project. So here I give the steps also like how execute this project. If you are fresher, just follow my below step to continue installation.


  1. Install Python 3.7 version and don’t forget to tick add Path for while installing python.
  2. Then open command prompt & run following below command
pip install django==3.0.5
pip install django-widget-tweaks
pip install xhtml2pdf
  • The first step is Download this Project
  • After that Extract the project zip file.
  • Then run the below command through the terminal (check if your project path was correct in terminal)
py makemigrations
py migrate
py runserver

Download Source Code

I hope above steps are helps to build this project. If still any doubts regarding this, just comment below I will try to solve the queries as soon as possible. When you have follow the installation steps, easily execute a project without any errors.

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