React Login Registration Validation

In this article let’s discuss how develop React Login Registration Validation example project. These days most of college students and working professionals are select React JS for designing user interfaces. Behind the reason it’s very secure & maintained a Facebook company.

React JavaScript Library used for create User Interfaces.

The primary reason is we able to develop large scale web applications & modify the data without reloading the particular page.

  1. Fast
  2. Reliable
  3. Scalable
  4. Reusable Components
  5. Flux & Redux
  6. Lightweight Library
  7. Virtual DOM
  8. Rich documentation
  9. Pre-built functions

That’s why React is more better than other framework of Angular & Vue JS. But Angular also so many features when compare both of reactjs better for large scale web and mobile application.

The Beginner who have knowledge in HTML CSS, that persons are like to use Angular framework. Therefore Others are move on React who have strong knowledge in OOPs concept. In addition already we are published Angular Login Form with Validation example.

React Login Form with Validation

I hope above introduction helps to know about react framework. If you are beginner ? Then once read the official documentation for to know more details. User Interface is must for attract user, so we need to make beautiful designs. End users also expect designs rather than quality. It implemented with Firebase authentication.

react login validation

Moreover all login system has same functionality like Email & Password Field. Both are validates so here duplicates values are not allowed. Forgot Password features also available to recover your password via your registered email address.

Registration Form with Validation

Generally sign up form differs from various level of categories like based on client requirements. For example if you wants Admission management system then you have lot of text fields for collect student information.

But here I have initiate just three fields only, you can also add more fields if need extra details. In addition Social Media oAuth features also available to register account. I listed out below,

  • Google
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • GitHub
react login registration validation

Download Source Code

As a result in below get the code with free of cost & if face any issues in develop React Login Registration Validation concept ? Just comment below we are always online to help our blog readers.

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