Stripe Payment Gateway Integration PHP

In this tutorial I have explain how connect stripe payment gateway integration PHP program. In the market number of payment providers are available like PayPal, Payumoney, Paytm, Razorpay and more. But Stripe is one of the best gateway for making debit and credit card payments. Razorpay also best, but when compare both providers then the winner is Stripe.

The reason is they are provide more features and easy setup without any complicated steps. That’s why still most of peoples are looking for stripe gateway.

Recently my one of the client request to integrate with Stripe for their E-Commerce website. So here I share my experience and tutorial for how connect Strip in PHP code. Before that I explain how create PayPal payment gateway project using PHP & MySQL.

However PayPal did not provide more features and it’s not easy to integrate with our project or application. So most of students & developers are choose Instamojo, Stripe or PayuMoney.


  1. Stripe API Code
  2. PHP
  3. MySQL
  4. HTML CSS & JS
  5. Google API (for authentication purpose)

Stripe API

The initial step is first we have to get API from Stripe official account. Then only we able to connect our projects into online payment services. Once it’s connected then automatically it’s transferred into our bank account with some percentage of charges.

Read the Developer Page for get a API key

First get the secret key for connect the both of Stripe & our projects. After that user authentication processed on back-end via the particular database. And in this example we have to use MySQL, or Firebase also recommended cloud database.

$stripe = new StripeStripeClient(
  'type' => 'card',
  'card' => [
    'number' => '4242424242424242',
    'exp_month' => 7,
    'exp_year' => 2023,
    'cvc' => '314',

After read the official documentation you get clear idea about this integration. However you need some previous experience for integrate the payments to the particular website. Otherwise it will be very complicated process during the setup. So here we are strongly recommend to read the docs.

End of the article you can able to download the entire source code. On the other hand you have to make some similar changes like secret, salt key for activate the API request and response from user end. Moreover we have to configure the webhook for notify the response from server side.

Stripe Payment Gateway Integration Features

When compared to the other payment services, stripe setup little bit complicated thins. But once you are done then easily maintain the code with latest feature in the version of 3. (V3). For example make payment across worlds without any extra charges like PayPal. However PayPal did not provide UPI option for make the payments.

  1. UPI payments
  2. User friendly
  3. Lowest Commision
  4. Accept all cards
  5. Material Design
  6. Validation
  7. Strong Security Layer

Stripe Payment Gateway Integration PHP Screenshot

In below I have to add screenshot for stripe payment gateway project. Through this API you can able to collect payments across this world. And the commissions also very low in the market standards. So once check and take further decision about your payment section.

stripe payment gateway integration using php
stripe payment gateway integration php

Both UI different but the concepts are same. Here I just differentiate the features. You can change the layout, designs, payment options with the helps stripe site.

In the next article we will upload how integrate with PHP frameworks like Laravel & Codeigniter.

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