Android Studio WebView Source Code

In this tutorial I have explain how to develop android studio webview concept in java programming languages. Nowadays most of non-technical persons are following this method to create apps within a hours. Even tech persons also widely recommend this one to deploy android application. But when compare the performance it’s okay but not similar of native application. The advantage is no need to write code for create application in our end.

Alternatively we can use webview concept for simply convert our website or blog into android mobile application. manually we can able to do more customization works like splash screen, introduction welcome, recyclerview and more functionalities are working fine. For that we need technical knowledge for doing more works to enable some third party libraries.

android studio webview

Already lot of tutorial documentation and video guidelines are available on social media platforms. We need to analyze more things in web view concept, because then only it’s working fine without any issues. Moreover site performance also affected when we use non proper programming code. Actually functionality is more important to execute the projects in our end. Then only it reflect and give perfect results for end users.

WebView is Good or Not ? – Android Studio WebView

First let’s see the benefits and drawbacks, hereafter will discuss about project source code. Because then only we get clear cut idea for how it’s performed and which are the negative faced in customers end. Most of developers are never share the disadvantages webview concepts. It means I did not raise negative queries about webview concept. However some functionalities are not well when we enable this option into our application.

Pros of WebView

  1. Time Save
  2. Easy to Develop
  3. No Knowledge Required
  4. Performance wise not Good but Okay
  5. Best for Non-Techie Peoples

Cons of WebView

  1. Less Features
  2. Not User Friendly
  3. Navigation not Good
  4. Performance not Well
  5. Take some time to load pages
  6. User Experience not satisfied

So What’s Next ? – Now Your Question is Can I Skip or Not ?

Here my personal suggestion is once build the app with WebView concepts and in future you get some idea about app development fields. Hereafter customize your works and make changes about something else which is helps to increase you application performance.

Create Project – Android Studio WebView

Okay let’s see the steps for how convert your website/blog into android application in android studio software. Simply we can do this work, for that just download source code and enter your website URL name to load your application. But we need responsive website, then only users able to navigate our page without any complications.

Moreover you can customize some things like manual internet connection messages, splash screen, bottom layout and more works. Or simply convert your website into android apps. Suppose if you have no knowledge to create responsive site ? Then simply build your website/blog with help of WordPress platform. Because it give us responsive and user friendly navigation for our apps.


You need to add your website into Google Search console with registered email address where you have to buy Google developer account. If two email id was same, then our request will processed in next level. Suppose if any mismatch found, then our request will cancelled and then again request new steps.

Already we are posting one article which has more customization works. So for the reference once check our articles how convert website into android application. After that you get some idea like how we customize more functions via java program. No need to integrate databases like Firebase, MySQL, SQLite, mongoDB etc.


Output files are helps to understand about the full application like project structure, navigation, queries, welcome screen and more. In some webview concepts are take more space to occupy spaces. Therefore once check all functionalities before execute the application or deploy into play store.

convert website into android application java
convert android application android studio

Source Code – Android Studio WebView

I hope above all steps and code helps to how implement webview concepts in android studio IDE. However we need some dependencies then only able to run the code. The complete tutorials are available on YouTube platform, so once check the video before stat your work.

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