Instagram Clone Python Django

In this tutorial I explain how to create Instagram Clone Python Django framework. Recent days most of the users are spend their time on social media applications like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and more. Therefore here I explain how to create a simple entertainment based application using Python programming language. For that here we are using Django framework, however Flask also good. The decision is on your end, if you are okay with Django then move on further steps.

Most of the developers are using Django because it has lot of features. This is the major reason for why each one plan to migrate from PHP, Java to Python. You can develop large scale application with high level security layers such as payment gateway, banking and more. Beginning days developers are suggest Java framework like Spring Boot but now Django is suggested by lakhs of developers.

instagram register python

Through this application you can create new account and post videos, images and normal contents. Moreover some limited functionalities are implement into this project for spend their free times based on social media users. The concept is same you can apply it’s on various streams like Facebook or YouTube platform.

Create Project – Instagram Clone Python Django

Okay let’s see the steps for how create android studio projects using Django framework in python language. Once go through the official documentation for know about more details of particular project after that only you get clear ideas. So we are strongly recommend to read the official documentation for learn about back-end language & SQL, Firebase, MongoDB database queries.

Actually this is very simple project & here we are did not focus any major works like Email or mobile number validation. It’s works fine like local based clients which means it’s not fine to host on live servers.


Totally five plus modules are implemented on this project such as account creation (Sign up), Post content, Account management, Manage Photos & Videos etc. However inline pages also important to design the pages in next level. So we have to focus on each things based on current user status.

PHP also one of good choice for creating mobile or web application but it has limited access features only. When compared to Python it has lot of benefits with high level scaling & security features. Once you can check both technologies after that you get clear idea about the particular techniques.

Features – Instagram Clone Python Django

Already I told it’s not similar of Instagram application however you can check some major benefits like real time application. Those type of categories are listed below for end user response & navigation purposes.

  1. Authentication (User)
  2. Forget Password Script
  3. Change theme & password
  4. Upload photos & Videos
  5. User Friendly Navigation
  6. Easy to Use
  7. Responsive Design

Previously we are posting Advanced college management system project, via this they are able to manage both of faculties and college students.


We are using SQLite database for store the user information such as customer details like name, address, education details, date of birth and more. Firebase or MySQL is also recommended db for better performance for your projects.

Screenshots (Demo)

In below I have added the project screenshot for further steps. For example through this you can check the current application status like navigation, dashboard, payment, videos, photos etc. Later that you can customize the buttons, layouts, models and each things based on your client requirements.

social media app instagram django
instagram python post photo

Source Code – Instagram Clone Python Django

I hope above all contents are helps to find the ideas & updates. If you have any queries regarding this just contact us for further section. We are always online to help our subscribers who are follow our blog articles.

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