Online Examination System Java

Online Examination System Java – In this article I have explain how develop online examination system project using Java language. These days most of colleges and schools are conduct online exams. Because that was very flexible when compare offline examinations. During the COVID all of organizations are execute exams on online mode. When analyze programming language, java is the good one. Reason was most secure & high level capacity for running your projects with server side.

online examination system java

Before coming online exam concept everybody write their exams offline mode like paper pen work. After that most of system of changed to online mode like attend exams on computer network. So we easily correct marks & more features are available on this concept. That’s why stills it’s mandatory for all pf schools and colleges. This COVID period this concept much helped for all departments.

Online Exam Features

List of features are added here..

  1. Manually correct the papers
  2. Automatically marks are updated every questions
  3. Every question has customized option like add images, number etc.
  4. Grades option also added for every students who attend exams.
  5. Share marks from social network websites.
  6. We have to add lab marks via the online portal

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Steps to Run Project

End of the article I give full source code of Online Examination System android application project using Java. So after downloading a code extract & place from your specific folder.

  1. Import code from your favorite IDE
  2. Open MySQL database manager & import SQL file. (Which is located on extract file)
  3. After that execute from IDE or command prompt

If face any issues just comment below I will try to solve queries as soon as possible.

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