Online Examination System using PHP

Online Examination System using PHP – In this article i will explain how to create and develop online based examination system using PHP MySQL. This is very demand project for college students because now most of school college faculties staff run exams online. No one cheating online exam (quiz) like offline class exams and time also saved. Within a days teachers are correct question answers online system PHP, JavaScript, HTML & CSS.

Great pleasure for doing such a online examination because everyone have risk for monitor the students who have cheat their staff like hacking the computer or laptop. Now a days government also do exams in online based not offline, and voting also conduct online. Most of software companies give the aptitude exam in online for interview candidates.

Online Exam PHP

We cant develop high level online examination portal in core PHP. When we use frameworks then we can develop high level and user friendly, more features can be added which framework like Laravel, yii, codeigniter, symfony and more. But you have need knowledge for the projects in framework not like core PHP.

This online examination like quiz, when the questions are asked admins are set time for each & every questions. After extend the time the exam portal will be automatically log out for every user who login the website portal. Sessions are initiate every page so the students are not hack any system and misuse.

System Requirements

In these type of project we don’t need any special type of server configuration. Basic configuration enough to do this project using PHP MySQL. Additionally don’t need any extra requirements.

Download XAMPP Sever

Must need one web server (wampp or XAMPP) for execute web based application like PHP programming language. So install XAMPP server, it built has apache and MySQL server. You can download and install the XAMPP server here.

Online Examination System Modules

This project has two modules and more sub modules like admins or college school staffs are able to add the subjects, questions and results from admin side. Students can be able to view their results immediately after complete the examination. Questions will be arranged by the option based, every questions have four optional answer.

Student Module

Every student must create one account for attend the online examination. When create new account, give the student details of username,password,email,dob etc. Suppose after creating the account, forgot the password. No problem you can get new password through the email.

After create the account, we list the subjects and practical lab exam also. So you can select any one subject and choose correct answer in the option list. Finally you can view you results and also review correct answer of your question.

Admin Module

Admins are able to add the subjects and questions in later also and edit delete the existing subject from database side. When admin are login the account, in the dashboard they are add questions and access more features.

Admins are create more test like internal one internal two for their wish. So its one of biggest advantage. More class test doing using this features.

Online Examination System Live Demo

Before download the project once check the live demo how online examination system online working PHP MySQL. So in my opinion in this project will help you for your college purpose.

Online Examination System using PHP Code

Here you can download the full source code of Online quiz based examination system using PHP and MySQL. Full documentation also available so its very helpful for college students. For more PHP project click here to get all of PHP MySQL source code

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