Parse JSON Kotlin Android

Parse JSON Kotlin Android – In this article I will explain how to parse the JSON data in kotlin android studio. Kotlin is one biggest and best android programming language. Most of developers migrate from java into kotlin because kotlin has many features and light weight. Through the JSON we can get any type of data like audio,videos,documents images and more files. So we need JSON help for every domain which is mean server side language of PHP and java flutter angular react etc. When compared to XML, we can easily read and write JSON files quickly in server side.

Here we bind the JSON data and display from list view and finally get output in recyclerview method. Must need one web service for get the server data, here use okhttp dependency library,

Parse JSON Data

Okay lets start to parse the json data into kotlin android application for list out the results. This is client to server manipulation way communication, here used okhttp web server API for call the JSON data. We transform the JSON array string into object based initialization. I have used klaxon library because its lightweight library for parse the JSON data into kotlin. Click here to get klaxon library for get data.


Gson API (also known as Google Gson) is the open source simple Java based library used for serialize and deserialize the Java objects to JSON,developed by Google community. It can be used to convert a JSON string into an java objects. We can create Gson object using Gson builder, transmiting the data over a network connection.

Add dependency

dependencies {
implementation ‘’

Download Source Code – parse json kotlin android

The code is long so here i give full source code Kotlin Parse JSON data from server side. It can be also use gson API for convert the strings into objects. Through JSON we can develop server side application with fast request response from client usage.

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