PHP Barcode Generator

Here I explain how develop PHP Barcode Generator Example script. Generally barcode simplify our like, for example we able to store price details on the particular machine. When we scan the product, the price will be automatically showing on laptop/desktop. Behind the process is machine readable, prices are automatically fetching when we can the product.

Mostly department stores, college/school/ library managements are using those barcode for retrieve the data. Because it reduce manual power that’s most of business owners & institutes are migrated into machine languages. Both has same but one advantage is we get perfect results in machine using program.

Already most of things are converted into digital section like online payments, food, travel, shopping and more things. In the future everything was in advanced level & peoples also accept the changes. So innovation products are increases day by day in our life.

Why Barcode

Barcode simplify the man power work via machine language. Once we store prices on the machine, then it will be automatically fetch price from particular time. The advantage is no need to store prices on mind and another benefits anyone able to manage the system.

Therefore we did not dependent man power to calculate the prices. It’s one of the biggest innovation in business industries. Most of supermarkets are using this barcode to calculate the bill amounts, even small grocery store, fancy shops also using barcode scanner system.

php barcode generator example

Some of business owners buy this product from software companies. But some college students are easily develop this system. The main thing was hardware only, because software code implementation very easy process.

Anyhow we need hardware tool for integrate with software program. Then only we able to use this device on real time. Otherwise without hardware did not make such a development live work.

Some college final year students are develop own idea with buying external resources. Already we have develop lot of projects in PHP languages which is very useful for college students. So if you need check on our project category to expose the code.

PHP Barcode Source Code

In below I have add just database connection & retrieve methods. The full source code is available on end of the section, because here spaces are not enough to explain all steps. Alternatively theory wise simply describe the project like every modules are how connected to database.

		$format = $_POST['code_format'];
		$symbol = $_POST['code_type'];
		$content = $_POST['code_data'];
		$path = 'code_img/code_source.php';
		$formats = 'f='.$format;
		$symbology = 's='.$symbol;
		$data = 'd='.$content;
		//$options = '&w=200&h=75&ts=3&th=40';
		$code_url = $path.'?'.$formats.'&'.$symbology.'&'.$data;

QR code also used for retrieve data, but through the QR we do more works like collect payments etc. But Barcode scanning is unique & here we must apply this concept only. Otherwise those functionality not working anymore & some of rules also available to use some products.

PHP Barcode Generator Code

I hope above code helps to build barcode generator script example using PHP MySQL database. This is very simple concept, additionally we need hardware tool for build this project & worth for future works. So you can choose this on your college mini or major project category.

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