Here let’s see how develop Python MySQL Crud Example for manage database values. CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) Operation is must for every dynamic projects. Because without this we cant able to communicate from server side.

MySQL in the best database management system & big community support that’s why most of working professionals are choose MySQL for their projects.

It’s support large scale web application, so possible to implement secure services. In the previous article I explain How perform Angular MySQL CRUD with the help of PHP language.

For example you can perform this operation in any real time projects like College Management System, Machine Learning with flask, django gui concept.

Database Connection

The initial step was integrate database from server to client. Then only we communicate and transfer data from end to end. Generally this is major things for all programming concept, so you need strong knowledge and write queries for make the connections.

In below let’s see the Python MySQL Database Connection example queries.

import mysql.connector

config = {
  'user': 'admin',
  'password': 'admin123',
  'host': '',
  'database': 'demo',
  'raise_on_warnings': True

cnx = mysql.connector.connect(**config)


Different type of code’s available to connect database from client side. But in the above query was most recommended by a lot of developer who have more than experience in Python. When compare both of Flask & Django, Flask is better for rapid development.

In the beginning period it’s complicate to study the queries. But later that we easily write queries for project development. In this world everything was hard in the beginnings stage only, so don’t worry about that and keep going on your work.

Python CRUD Screenshots

As a result of screenshot added here, if this design and concept is okay for you then move on next sections. To define the layout & design purpose used for HTML & CSS web technology languages.

python mysql crud

Above image mention for able to perform the operation of edit, delete, add the student records as our wish. CSS applied for implement the user interface and experience.

Technologies Used

  • MySQL Server
  • PyCharm editor

PyCharm is the best IDE (Integrated Development Environment which is specifically implemented for develop python applications.

Source Code

I hope above details are helps to build the CRUD operation on your system. If face any struggles for make Python MySQL CRUD operation just comment below we will clear your doubts.

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