Restaurant Management System PHP

In this article let’s see how develop restaurant management system PHP & MySQL. Nowadays most of restaurants are give the feature of online orders. Because peoples are like comfort zone, so previously place their orders. It’s like similar of hotel management project to handle the room, foods, extra added services. Already we have develop this system and it’s available on our database.

Project Code – Hotel System Project using PHP

Once check out above project after that analyze both system and extract the features. So finally we able to give the full fledged web application for end users.


Number of features are available are available in our project. So some of specialized features are listed below,

  1. Attractive User Interface
  2. Manage & Track Orders
  3. offers for repeated customers
  4. Earning Points based on purchase
  5. Individual accounts

Restaurant Management System

In this project we need to develop three modules.

  1. Customers
  2. Admin (Restaurant)
  3. Employees

1. Customers

There is two options for each customers. One is they have space for place orders from or anywhere. After placing order, restaurant admins are allocate the spaces. Another one is directly visit hotel and making orders.

Both features are showing on company websites.

2. Admin

Company admin/owner able to manage all orders. For example admin have rights to accept, delete orders and also rights to adjust the price. However it’s common for all management system. As a formality here we explained this feature.

If any order was canceled from customer end, then the restaurant teams are refund the full money. Actually it’s based on owner taste, later that you can modify the those options.

3. Employees

Admin forward the orders into employee. Every employees are allocated to maintain minimum three customers. Similarly further updates are send via message or manual reference. Employee have to arrange the seats, orders for pre-booking customers.

The advantage is employees are ready to serve for customers. So here customer time is fully saved and happily enjoyed the dinner/lunch. In some traffic hotel we need to spend more time for eating foods so it’s irritate core for some users.

Restaurant Project output

Check the screenshot for understand the project. If the design and concept is okay then move on nest section to get the source code. Otherwise just skip and go for other websites. But I hope it’s perfectly satisfy your needs of requirements.

restaurant management system php
restaurant management system orders
restaurant management system

Download Source Code

Above all information helps to develop restaurant management system PHP MySQL project. If you are facing any issues just comment below we are help to clear the issues. In the next update additionally we have added more features.

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