Udemy Clone

Udemy Clone – Udemy is a Biggest educational platform which is founded by the year of 2010. You can able to learn any courses via this website. But you have to pay some amount for each courses. After that they are provide study materials such as documents, video files etc. Some educator provide the option of Face to Face feature for clearing doubts.

Nowadays most of students and working professionals are like to learn courses via online. Because it’s very comfortable, cost saving, efficient, relaxation, fastest responses and more benefits. That’s the major reason for everyone go for online classes.

On the other hand course providers also simplify the techniques for end users. For that Udemy gives more flexibility, accessing features, support etc.

Suppose if you have good knowledge in some domain. Then able to register your courses on Udemy & through that learners are accessing your contents. Millions of peoples are trust Udemy services & you got immediate response after posting the courses.

Also Read – OLX Clone

We can easily find a course which educator is best via the user reviews. Already you know this fact, reviews helps to understand the particular products or services.

Programming Language

I strongly recommend PHP, because it’s very flexible and we can use more features. If you have good knowledge in other language of Pyhon Django, Java Android, C Sharp then go for this options. But via the PHP we able to develop this application in perfect UI & UX.

MongoDB & Mysql helps to store, retrieve data from database. Moreover MongoDB helps lot for getting data related to course details. That’s not a structural, so we store those information from NoSQL.

It’s like similar of Online E Learning Course Management System

Udemy Clone

Okay let’s start to implement this project. Actually it’s very simple concept so don’t worry about the complications. No more technology required for develop this project. This is your final year project ? Just change your title because it’s not worth for learn something new techniques. It’s like a process of Static and we did not facing any complicated queries.

How it’s Working ?

Firstly we need to give space for learners, course providers and finally allocate available space for admin. After that course instructor create account for posting course details such as name, fees, duration, technology covered, certificate details, source materials etc.

When learners interest to buy the course, then the proper instruction will be provided by educators. The payments are collected via online mode, here I did not implement the payment gateway system. Because already we are developing Payment System using PHP language.

Finally admin (Site Owner) manage both of learners & educator activities. Storage is a major part for this project, because every instructor need to upload further document for provide into users. So we allocate more size for each course providers.

You can choose some third party cloud providers like Microsoft Azure, Dropbox, Drive, Box etc.

udemy clone features

Udemy Top Categories

  1. Software
  2. Business Management
  3. Photography
  4. Freelancing
  5. Digital Marketing

Download Code

I hope above all information helps to build Udemy online course platform project using PHP & MySQL. We have collection of free source code in various technology like Android, Python, Laravel, React, C sharp, Flask Django etc.

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