Online Shopping Python

In this article let’s see how implement online shopping Python website using Django framework. Nowadays most of software companies are looking for Python developer. So college students also do their final year projects on same technologies. Before that PHP & Android is on peak but now Python replace the market place.

The major reason was now everything is converted into digital way. So we need a help of Python language to develop machine based automation concepts.

Already we have collection of python project bundles. In that list additionally we have to add online shopping site project using Python. Actually every peoples have own website who are manage business. Some of hosting providers provide free site for posting the products.

Mostly peoples also interest to buy the products online because more collections, qualities and able to compare the prices.

Project Analysis

Before start this first analyze the entire concepts like requirements, tools, API, database, server, instruction documentation etc. Then only you get it like how execute on your machine. Generally online shopping sites or mobile application not a easy process. Because we need to initiate more modules, images, price list, filter, comparison and more quality checking must for start the process.

Otherwise customers are did not our site to buy the products. Here I give clean & simple user interface with experience. Moreover uneducated peoples also use the shopping store. For the reason implement user friendly navigation menus & orders list.

Online shopping Site Feature

online shopping python

This site similar to major shopping site of Amazon & Flipkart with user friendly navigation. So you can easily able to buy products in separate sections.

Peoples also looking for those designing, for that reason most of companies are make perfect user experience layout.

User experience is one of the best part which is most important than price, because end users are hate to browse when did not feel satisfaction.

In this project collection of features. Especially we activate the live phone number email id verification for all the customers. When we do this operation, no dummy users or spam not comments our products and fake orders. That’s the major reason for activate this feature in all of the shopping cart sites.

  1. Mobile/Email Verification
  2. Admin Dashboard
  3. Login/Logout Session
  4. Products Filter
  5. Price Comparison
  6. Online Payements
  7. Promo Code Option
  8. Add to Wishlist/Cart

Download Source Code

I hope above details helps to learn about online shopping python projects. Still have any doubts related to this project, just comment below I will clear your issues. Here we have use

  • Python
  • Django
  • Bootstrap
  • MySQL technology.

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