How Reduce CPU Usage WordPress

In this article I have explain how reduce CPU Usage WordPress cPanel server. Mostly this problem common & facing everyone who are using WordPress platform. When I face this problem, it was taking 10 days to rectify this error. Because this is not a easy process, manually we need to working on some major changes. After that only able to optimize both of MySQL database & WordPress server.

MySQL Database is a major reason for raising this problem. Because our entire contents, plugins, theme etc depends and stores into database. So that functionality is much important for execute our content for across internet.

Otherwise facing the error of cross CPU usage limit, process count hitting, error database connection and more problems.

Okay let’s see the steps for how optimize and decrease CPU usage. That was helps to load the contents in faster ways & getting lot of traffic. Suppose if we are facing this issue, then site will be slow and affect the users. On the other hand SEO process also collapsed so it affect our visitors.

How Reduce CPU Usage – Follow Below Steps

  1. Go for Cloud Hosting
  2. Optimize Database
  3. Activate the Cache Plugin
  4. Delete Unwanted Plugins & Themes

Before start this first check your website performance on GTMetrix website. After that follow below steps to increase your WordPress website performance from cPanel server.

1. Cloud Hosting

I think you are using shared hosting service because that was starting level server & maximum of users are use Shared hosting plan. In this plan surely we face the issue of CPU overload and cross the limits. Behind the reason is resources are not enough on shared hosing plans.

When you getting more visitors or facing some other overload issue times, CPU stars to hitting the problem. So here I strongly recommend for migrate from shared hosting into cloud server.

how reduce cpu usage cloud
Image credits – Hostgator

Me also follow this migration after that I did not face this problem. Apart from this we also able to manage more visitors on our blog. Because our server is capable for manage lot of traffics and users.

Follow this steps for Shared hosting to Cloud server migration

2. Optimize Database

We need to optimize the database then only it will working smoothly. Otherwise it was jamming via deleted contents so there is a chance for impacting CPU. But most of WordPress user forget to optimize the database. As a result facing the server problem and website also running on very slow condition.

Therefore here I suggest WP-Optimize plugin for clear your trashing data from database. Then your site start to perform on high traffic & optimization.

how reduce cpu usage wordpress
image credit – WP-Optimize

It helps to cache, clean & compress the files. Suppose if you are using any other plugins like WP Fastest Cache or Super Cache, No problem just chill.

After optimize the database via WP-Optimize plugin just deactivate the plugin & continue with your existing plan. However WP optimize is best plugin for cache and content managements..

3. Activate Cache Plugin

Suppose if you are not using cache plugins then surely your site performance will be decreased. So I suggest WP Fastest Cache plugin for better optimization results. Every developers and bloggers are suggest various of plugin.

wp fastest cache
Image Credit – WP Fastest Cache

Suppose if you have more money then upgrade into premium for accessing more features.

4. Delete unwanted Plugins & Themes

Most of WordPress users are forget to delete unwanted Plugin & Themes. When we missed out this, then surely our website performance will be decreased and also possibilities to resolve the problem. It helps to increase the scalability performance.


I hope above steps are helps to solve the problem. Still facing this issues ? Just comment below I will solve the error messages. When you follow above questions. you can easily able to fix this issue. So I hope everything was fine & I hope now you got idea for how reduce CPU Usages WordPress sites.

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